The SUMMANN Family
    Genealogy expert - Mary Jo Summann
    Data Sources  -   Clarice Groeling
    Gerry Kopf
    Pam (Kopf) Gealy
    Arlyce Malchow
    Carmen Summann
    Letter Trans   - Pam (Kopf) Gealy
    Friedrick Summann
We have a very special family history in that very few can take their surname back to it's
origin. We are able to do this with our Summann name because of the unusual name
practices in the area of Germany where the Summann came from. Go to the 'HISTORY' page to read more.

    - To start at the beginning
    - This is a name only listing of everyone on this site
    - Gives the meaning of the abbreviations used on this site
    - All family photographs are in this section
    - The family history
    - German ancester's letters received from 1908 to 1926
    - Links to all pages on this site
    - A block diagram showing where everyone fits on our Family Tree
    - This is a way to contact me for additional information or corrections to the site

Other interesting things about this family:
  • When a couple married, the one owning the land keep their last name, the other one changed their last name.
  • One died fighting in WW I in Italy
  • One died fighting in WW II Russian Front
  • One died fighting in WW II a pilot in England
  • One died fighting in WW II Buried in a mass grave
  • - There were 28 children who died under the age of 10 years
  • - There were 14 children who died under the age of 5 years
  • - There were 12 children who died under the age of 1 year, all but 3 died in the 1800's
  • There are 2 first cousin marriages
  • There is 1 professional football player